Listen "Reflection" mp3
Listen inicial version "Reflection" mp3
Description of a music story “ Reflection “ by author.
1. Description from standpoint of music theory.
Composition “ Reflection “ is a work of music
consisted of five parts : Mp - Main part , Ap - Accessory part,
Cp - Connect part , Gp - Guitar part , Coda .
Correlation and connection of the pieces are composed in sequence : Cp+Mp+Mp+Ap+Ap+Mp+Mp+Ap+Ap+Gp+Mp+Mp+Ap+Ap+Gp+Ap+Ap+Coda .
2. Description from artistic standpoint .
A work of music “ Reflection “ has bright – expressed artistic image and deep thought at its form and content that goes together like a complete picture .
Emotional thinking runs in light and unforced character with presence
of firm image of the beauty and its eternity in the nature .
3. Description from standpoint of physiology .
This music does not fatigue the listener and interfere with his meditation . Listener’s psycho – emotional status has lasting phase of attention
and will to listen this music . While perception the music the brain creates special feeling that has favorable influence upon psyche and as a whole it gives positive therapeutic effect .
4. Practical use of music “ Reflection “ .
As a film music . As a study material for Children Music School and
Music Collage. Mp - as a ringtone for cell – phones . Direct use in clinics for music – therapeutic treatment. And also in other spheres of human life – activity .
5. Addition .
A work of music “ Reflection “ is copyright . Author’s Licence is № 39307,
issued on 22.07.2011.
Arrangement was performed by Kolesnik V. V .
Music corrector is Evchenko S.S.
Computer record was made by Sorochinsky O.I., Ivanchenko Konstantin .
The music story “ Reflection” is a supplement to scientific - research work
“ Reflection” -
On matter of usage of sci- research work and music “ Reflection “ everybody
can address to author Stepanov S.M.
tel : + 38 095 0570047
e-mail :
6. The music story “ Reflection “ was written in the Ukraine.